Tuesday 4 September 2012

Practise Filming: A Walk On The beach '2'

This is a developed version of my original practice video 'A Walk On The Beach'. This video was filmed over two days on two different beaches in Cornwall. I would have liked to have spent more time editing the video and adding in a variety of effects, however I had a limited amount of time. If I had more time I would like to experiment with using slow motion for some of the running shots, I would also like to try to edit a few shots so they actually rewind (go backwards) as I think this would look interesting. I will investigate with many more techniques when editing my proper music video on Final Cut Pro.

I think this video successfully captures the natural, light-hearted, indie style I want to portray through my music video. I was inspired by a mixture of artists' music videos, including; Ebony Day's 'Payphone' cover, Lana Del Rey's 'Video Games', and Kina Grannis' 'I will be the one you say goodnight to'.

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