Friday, 21 September 2012

Music Video Style Mood Board

 These are a few images of the artistic, quirky, creative, indie style which I would like to convey through my music video. The images with the bubbles, birds, and beach are ideas which I would like to include in my video. I will also use these images to inspire the photographs and design of the ancillary products (digipak and magazine advert for the digipak).

The music video has a significant role to play in constructing an image for the artist, by creating an associated iconography (visual features which regularly accompany performance by the star, e.g. costumes or settings.)The image of my artist is very important to me, so Alex and I have discussed how she would like to be portrayed as a young up and coming artist. We have decided that she will be portrayed as a care-free, creative, artistic individual through her costumes, and the style of shots.

One of Alex's ideas for the video was to emphasise her lyrics through close up shots of the words, such as; a close up of a particular word in a newspaper article when the word is sang, or a close up of a word in a scrap book. Another idea I had was to include close up shots of a painting (e.g. birds in the sky - which illustrate the lyrics in Alex's song), and then have a transition to a real shot of birds flying through the sky. I particularly love the colours in this photograph so I want to experiment with changing the altering the filter of some shots. We have discussed adding text over the top of shots to draw the viewer's attention to Alex's lyrics.

I would like to experiment with animation; I am going to an animation workshop next week so I will play around with some ideas I have and see if they will fit into the theme of the music video. There have been a few Indie Pop videos that I have researched (in particular Tiffany Alvord's 'We Are Young' cover - see my presentation on style inspiration) which include animation, so it fits with the genre and it would also be an effective way to inject an artistic flair into the music video.

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