Saturday 1 September 2012

Target audience interview

This is an interview with two members of my target audience (14-19 year old girls), they are both 17 year old girls who enjoy Pop and Indie music and like watching music videos. I asked them a few questions about how they consume music videos (mostly via YouTube, or watching them on a television music channel - thus portraying the advances in modern digital technology) and what features they would like to see in a music video. I have gained a lot of valuable information from this interview and I will integrate their ideas and choices into my music video so it will hopefully appeal to them and other people within their age group.

I learnt that their favourite bands are Two Door Cinema Club, Mumford and Sons and The Red Hot Chilli Peppers, so I will look at their music videos to source ideas for my own music video. Both of them said that the music videos they enjoyed had an artistic, creative style, which I want to experiment with in my own music video, such as including animation. They said that they preferred music videos that were set outside and had a natural feel to it, so I will set most of my music video in multiple locations outside, such as on the beach or in woodlands, which would reinforce the Indie style of the music.

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