Saturday, 1 September 2012

Practise filming: A walk on the beach...

This is a taster of the style and energy I want to capture within my music video. I used Alex (my chosen singer) as the focal point of the video, we filmed on a beach in Cornwall using my digital photo camera, so the quality might not be as good as if I was using a proper digital film camera. I have my own tripod so I was able to do some panning shots and keep the camera steady. I edited the footage on iMovie (as I don't have FinalCut software on my computer), which I hadn't used before so it was nice to explore and play around with the software. I experimented with manipulating the colour tone and saturation of a few shots and I added a Mumford And Son's track for the soundtrack (obviously it will be Alex's music in the real music video) as I thought the band's indie style would suit the image I'm trying to convey.

Overall I am really pleased with the outcome of this video, I think the shots of Alex walking by the sea work well (I especially like the shot of her and the speedboat in the background), I was inspired by the style and content of the YouTube artist music videos I analysed in my last post. This was only a quick practise and I didn't spend as much time or energy on making the video, I will do a lot more planning and story boarding for the real thing. This has been valuable filming and editing practise for me and some of the shots I plan on utilising in my real music video.

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