Friday 23 November 2012

Editing transitions

This is a 14 minute screen recording of myself editing my music video rough cut in Final Cut Express. During this recording of the post-production process, I played around with transitions - I particularly like the additive cross dissolve which I've used for a few transitions as it gives a dreamlike, ethereal, quirky quality to the shot which follows the typical conventions of the Indie genre. Most of the transitions in the music video are simple cuts as the music videos I've analysed in the same genre mostly use cuts not a range of transitions.
The recording also shows me altering the end of the music video as members of my target audience suggested that the end shot should last longer so there is a bigger impact, therefore I lengthened the end shot. I also experimented with various special effects like altering the colour saturation and applying a kaleidoscope effect to a shot, however the colour saturation didn't work as I would have to apply it to all of the shots to reinforce the continuity. The kaleidoscope effect also didn't work, as it was hard to distinguish what was actually occurring within the shot, however it did give a creative, arty feel which follows the typical conventions of the Indie/Pop genre. Overall I found the editing process an enjoyable and simple process as I have previous experience of utilising the software and I had a wide variety of shots.

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